Meaning and origin of the name Serafim‎

Gender: Male

Serafim‎ is used in

Bulgaria Brazil Portugal Romania

Countries where Serafim‎ has name day

Serafim‎ is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Serafim‎'s name day is January 2.


Serafim is a name of Hebrew origin, derived from the word "seraphim" meaning "burning ones" or "fiery ones." In Christian theology, seraphim are the highest order of angels, often depicted as winged beings with six wings. The name Serafim is associated with qualities such as purity, light, and divine love.

The name Serafim has a strong spiritual significance and is often chosen for its connection to heavenly beings and divine protection. It is a name that conveys a sense of reverence and awe, as well as a deep faith in the divine.

In many cultures, the name Serafim is considered unique and distinctive, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a special meaning. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Serafim carries a sense of grace and holiness that resonates with many people.

Overall, the name Serafim is a beautiful and meaningful choice for those who appreciate its spiritual significance and angelic associations. It is a name that embodies qualities of purity, devotion, and divine protection, making it a timeless and cherished name for individuals seeking a connection to the divine.
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