Meaning and origin of the name Sergije

Sergije is used in


Countries where Sergije has name day

Sergije is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Sergije's name day is September 8.


Sergije is a masculine given name with origins in Slavic languages. The name is derived from the Latin name "Sergius," which means "servant" or "attendant." It is a name that carries connotations of dedication, loyalty, and service.

In various Slavic countries such as Serbia, Croatia, and Montenegro, Sergije is a popular name with a rich historical and cultural significance. Individuals named Sergije are often perceived as dependable, hardworking, and devoted individuals.

The name Sergije has a timeless appeal and is often chosen for boys due to its strong and noble sound. It is a name that resonates with tradition and carries a sense of honor and responsibility.

Overall, Sergije is a name that embodies qualities of service, dedication, and integrity, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with a profound and positive significance.
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