Usage, description and more for Severino

Gender: Male     Origin: IT Italy
Also available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,

Severino is used in

ESSpain ITItaly BRBrazil PTPortugal

Countries where Severino has name day

Severino has a name day in ESSpain and Severino's next name day is January 8 (next year).
Severino has a name day in ITItaly and Severino's next name day is Mars 8.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Severino

Origin: Severino is of Latin origin.
Meaning: The name Severino is derived from the Latin name Severinus, which means "stern" or "serious." It is a name that conveys strength and seriousness.

Popularity and Usage

Severino is a name that is more commonly used in Italian and Spanish-speaking countries. It is not as common in English-speaking regions, but it carries a sense of dignity and strength.

Famous Namesakes

There have been several notable individuals with the name Severino, including Severino Antinori, an Italian fertility doctor, and Severino Di Giovanni, an Argentinean anarchist.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Severino are often perceived as serious, disciplined, and reliable. They are known for their strong sense of duty and commitment to their responsibilities.

Overall Impression

The name Severino carries a sense of strength and seriousness, making it a suitable choice for parents looking for a name with a strong and dignified meaning.