Meaning and origin of the name Sidónia

Also available in German,

Sidónia is used in

Austria Slovakia

Countries where Sidónia has name day

Sidónia is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Sidónia's name day is November 14.
Sidónia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Sidónia's name day is June 23.


Sidonia is a lovely name with a rich history and a captivating meaning. It is of Latin origin and is derived from the ancient Roman name "Sidonius," which means "of Sidon." Sidon was an ancient Phoenician city located in present-day Lebanon, known for its prosperity and trade.

In terms of meaning, Sidonia is often associated with qualities such as elegance, sophistication, and charm. People named Sidonia are believed to possess a strong sense of individuality and a unique personality that sets them apart from others.

The name Sidonia has a timeless appeal and can be a wonderful choice for parents looking for a name that is both classic and distinctive. Whether you have a cultural connection to the name or simply appreciate its beauty, Sidonia is a name that exudes grace and character.

If you are considering naming your child Sidonia, you are choosing a name with a fascinating origin and a meaningful significance that will surely stand the test of time. Embrace the beauty of Sidonia and celebrate its heritage as a name that is as unique as it is enchanting.
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