Usage, description and more for Sintija

Gender: Female    Origin: Latvian
Also available in Latvian,

Sintija is used in


Countries where Sintija has name day

Sintija has a name day in LVLatvia and Sintija's next name day is June 4.


Origin: Latvian
Meaning: The Latvian name Sintija is a variant of the name Cynthia, which is of Greek origin and means "moon goddess" or "from Mount Kynthos".

Characteristics of Sintija:

Sintija is a name with a rich history and a deep meaning. People with this name are often described as creative, intuitive, and sensitive. They have a strong connection to the spiritual world and are known for their empathy and compassion towards others.


In Latvian tradition, Sintija may have a designated nameday, which varies each year based on the Latvian calendar. Celebrating namedays is a common practice in Latvia, where individuals are honored on the feast day of the saint they are named after.

Overall, Sintija is a beautiful and meaningful name that carries a sense of mystery and elegance. Its Greek roots and Latvian adaptation make it a unique choice for parents seeking a name with cultural significance and a touch of mythology.