Meaning and origin of the name Slavka

Gender: Female
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech,

Slavka is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Croatia Serbia

Countries where Slavka has name day

Slavka is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Slavka's name day is Februari 12.
Slavka is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Slavka's name day is December 5.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Slávka

The name Slávka is of Slavic origin and is predominantly used in countries such as Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland. It is a feminine name with a beautiful and meaningful significance.

Meaning of the Name:

The name Slávka is derived from the Slavic word "slava," which means "glory" or "praise." Therefore, Slávka signifies someone who is esteemed, honored, or praised.


In some Slavic countries, Slávka may have a designated nameday, which is a day on the calendar that is associated with the celebration of a specific name. Namedays are often celebrated similarly to birthdays in these cultures.

Overall, the name Slávka carries a sense of admiration and respect, making it a meaningful choice for parents looking for a name that reflects honor and glory.
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