Meaning and origin of the name Slavomir

Gender: Male
Also available in Czech,

Slavomir is used in

Czechia Slovakia Serbia

Countries where Slavomir has name day

Slavomir is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Slavomir's name day is January 22.
Slavomir is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Slavomir's name day is April 22.

Origin and Meaning of Slavomír

The name Slavomír is of Slavic origin and is composed of the elements "slava" meaning "glory" and "mir" meaning "peace". Together, Slavomír can be interpreted as "glorious peace" or "peaceful glory". It is a traditional Slavic name that carries a sense of strength and tranquility.


In some Slavic countries, Slavomír may have a designated nameday, typically celebrated in honor of the saint associated with the name. Namedays are an important tradition in many cultures and are often celebrated similarly to birthdays.

The name Slavomír is a unique and meaningful choice for those who appreciate the rich history and symbolism of Slavic names.
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