Meaning and origin of the name Sláva

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Bulgarian,

Sláva is used in

Bulgaria Slovakia Ukraine

Countries where Sláva has name day

Sláva is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Sláva's name day is December 18.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Sláva

The name Sláva is of Slavic origin and is commonly used in countries like Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Russia. Sláva is a unisex name, typically given to both boys and girls.


The name Sláva is derived from the Slavic word "slava" which means "glory" or "fame". It carries connotations of honor, pride, and admiration. Individuals named Sláva are often associated with qualities of greatness and distinction.


Although not as common as some other names, Sláva carries a sense of uniqueness and individuality. It is a name that stands out and can leave a lasting impression.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history, there have been notable figures with the name Sláva, contributing to various fields such as arts, sciences, and politics. Their accomplishments have helped to further elevate the significance of the name.

In conclusion, the name Sláva is a symbol of honor and glory, representing individuals who strive for excellence and leave a mark on the world with their achievements.
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