Usage, description and more for So-hui
Gender: Female
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Origin and Meaning of the Name So-hui
The name So-hui is of Korean origin. In Korean culture, names are chosen with great care and often hold special meanings. The name So-hui consists of two parts: "So" and "hui."
Meaning of So
The name element "So" can have various meanings in Korean, including "bright," "crystal," or "small." It is a common element in Korean names and is often associated with positive qualities such as clarity and purity.
Meaning of Hui
The name element "Hui" can mean "grace," "splendor," or "light" in Korean. It is a popular element in Korean names and conveys a sense of elegance and beauty.
So-hui is a harmonious combination of these two elements, blending the meanings of brightness, grace, and purity. Individuals with the name So-hui may be seen as having a radiant and graceful presence, embodying qualities of clarity and elegance.