Meaning and origin of the name Stase

Stase is used in


Countries where Stase has name day

Stase is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Stase's name day is September 5.

Origin and Meaning of the name Stase

The name Stase is of Lithuanian origin and is believed to have derived from the Lithuanian word "stasys" which means "stand firm" or "steadfast." This name conveys traits of strength, determination, and resilience.

Popularity and Usage

The name Stase is quite rare and unique, making it an uncommon choice for a baby name. It is not commonly used in English-speaking countries, but it holds cultural significance in Lithuania.

Celebrities and Namesakes

While there may not be many well-known individuals with the name Stase, those who bear this name are often admired for their unwavering spirit and unwavering resolve.

Famous Characters

In literature and media, characters named Stase may be portrayed as strong-willed and resolute individuals who face challenges with courage and determination.

Overall Impression

The name Stase exudes a sense of inner strength and resilience. It is a name that carries with it a sense of solidity and dependability, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with a strong and empowering connotation.
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