Usage, description and more for Stef
Gender: Male
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Stef is used in
Origin and Meaning of the Name Stef
The name Stef is a variant of the name Stephen. Stephen is derived from the Greek name Stephanos, meaning "crown" or "wreath." The name has origins in ancient Greece and was traditionally given to those who were crowned with a wreath as a symbol of victory or honor.
Popularity and Usage
While Stef is less common than its longer form, Stephen, it still carries the same noble and regal connotations. It is often used as a shortened or informal version of the name Stephen.
Famous Bearers
Notable individuals with variations of the name Stephen include Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist, and Stephen King, the famous author. Stef can also be found as a given name or nickname in various cultures and regions around the world.
Whether as a standalone name or a diminutive of Stephen, Stef is a name that exudes strength, honor, and victory.