Meaning and origin of the name Stiliyan‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Stiliyan‎ is used in


Countries where Stiliyan‎ has name day

Stiliyan‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Stiliyan‎'s name day is November 26.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Stiliyan

The name Stiliyan is of Bulgarian origin and is derived from the Slavic word "stil," meaning "style" or "manner." It is a masculine name that carries connotations of elegance, sophistication, and grace.

Popularity and Usage

While not as common as some other names, Stiliyan is a unique and distinctive choice for parents seeking a name with a touch of refinement. It is a name that stands out for its stylish sound and meaningful origin.

Famous Namesakes

One of the most notable bearers of the name Stiliyan is the former Bulgarian professional footballer Stiliyan Petrov. He achieved great success in his career and is remembered for his skill, dedication, and leadership both on and off the field.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Stiliyan are often seen as sophisticated, charming, and well-mannered. They have a natural sense of style and grace, and are admired for their elegance and poise in various aspects of life.

Overall, the name Stiliyan carries a sense of refinement and distinction, making it a meaningful choice for those who appreciate sophistication and grace in a name.

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