Meaning and origin of the name Stoyan‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Stoyan‎ is used in


Countries where Stoyan‎ has name day

Stoyan‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Stoyan‎'s name day is May 21.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Stoyan

The name Stoyan has Bulgarian origins and is commonly used in Bulgaria and other Slavic countries. It is a variant of the name Stoyko, which itself is a diminutive of the name Stanislav.

Meaning of the Name

The name Stoyan is derived from the Slavic elements "stan" meaning "to become" and "slava" meaning "glory." Therefore, Stoyan can be interpreted to mean "one who becomes glorious" or "glorious defender." It carries connotations of strength, honor, and victory.


In Bulgaria, Stoyan is a traditional and well-loved name that has been passed down through generations. It is a name that exudes pride and resilience, embodying the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Famous Bearers

Several notable individuals have borne the name Stoyan, contributing to various fields such as literature, politics, and sports. Their achievements have helped elevate the name and showcase its enduring appeal.

Whether given as a first name or a middle name, Stoyan carries a sense of history and tradition, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with deep roots and significance.
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