Meaning and origin of the name Sue

Gender: Female

Sue is used in

United Kingdom


Origin: Sue is a name of English origin.

Meaning: The name Sue is often considered a diminutive of the name Susan, which means "lily" in Hebrew. It can also be seen as a standalone name with various meanings such as "graceful" or "pleasant".

Sue is a versatile and charming name that has been popular for many years. It is a simple and sweet name that exudes a sense of warmth and friendliness.

In some cultures, Sue may also be used as a nickname for names like Suzanne or Susanna. It is a name that is often associated with kindness and gentleness.

Overall, Sue is a timeless and classic name that carries a sense of elegance and simplicity. It is a name that has been embraced by many parents for its lovely sound and endearing qualities.
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