Swedish names by first letter:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - Ó - P - Q - R - S - Š - T - U - Ü - V - W - X - Y - Z - Ž - Æ - Å - Ä - Ö - Ø

Swedish Names and Name Days

In Sweden, names hold significant importance in both cultural and religious contexts. Traditional Swedish names often have historic roots and are influenced by Norse mythology, Christianity, and neighboring countries.

Swedish Names

Swedish names typically consist of a given name followed by a surname. Common Swedish given names for males include Gustav, Lars, and Erik, while popular female names include Ingrid, Astrid, and Elsa. Many Swedish names have variants or nicknames that are commonly used among family and friends.

Name Days

In Sweden, each day of the year is associated with a particular name, known as a name day. While name days are not as widely celebrated as birthdays, they hold cultural significance and are often included in calendars and almanacs. Friends and family may offer congratulations or small gifts to individuals celebrating their name day.

Historical Value

Throughout Swedish history, names have reflected societal trends, religious beliefs, and political influences. During the Viking Age, names often referenced nature, animals, or qualities like bravery and strength. With the spread of Christianity, many Swedes adopted biblical names, honoring saints and religious figures. In modern times, Swedish names continue to evolve, reflecting global trends and diverse cultural influences.

Overall, Swedish names and name days are integral parts of the country's rich cultural heritage, connecting individuals to their past and traditions.