Meaning and origin of the name Sáva

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech,

Sáva is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Romania Serbia Ukraine

Countries where Sáva has name day

Sáva is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Sáva's name day is December 5.
Sáva is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Sáva's name day is November 14.
Sáva is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Sáva's name day is April 12.
Sáva is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Sáva's name day is April 24.
Sáva is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Sáva's name day is December 5.


Sáva is a unique name of Slavic origin. It is derived from the Slavic word "sava", meaning "bright" or "luminous". The name Sáva carries a sense of radiance and positivity, reflecting the qualities of light and brilliance. In Slavic cultures, names often have deep meanings rooted in nature, virtues, or aspirations.

In some Slavic traditions, the name Sáva is associated with intelligence, wisdom, and creativity. Individuals bearing this name are believed to possess a bright and insightful nature, contributing positively to the world around them. The name Sáva can be a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that symbolizes illumination and inner light.
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