Meaning and origin of the name Sócrates

Gender: Male

Sócrates is used in

Greece Brazil Portugal

Countries where Sócrates has name day

Sócrates is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Sócrates's name day is April 6.
Sócrates is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Sócrates's name day is October 19.


Originating from the Greek name "Sokrates," Sócrates is a masculine name with a rich historical background. The name is derived from the words "sos" meaning "whole" or "safe," and "kratos" meaning "power" or "rule." Therefore, Sócrates can be interpreted to mean "powerful" or "safe ruler."

In ancient philosophy, the most famous bearer of the name is the Greek philosopher Socrates, known for his contributions to ethics and the Socratic method of questioning. His teachings and ideas have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy and continue to be studied and revered to this day.

The name Sócrates carries a sense of wisdom, strength, and leadership, making it a meaningful choice for those seeking a name with historical significance and intellectual depth.
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