Meaning and origin of the name Sĩ

Gender: Male Female

Sĩ is used in

Thailand Vietnam

is a Vietnamese name that holds cultural significance. The name is of Vietnamese origin and is commonly used for both boys and girls. In Vietnamese culture, names often carry deep meanings and reflect the values or aspirations of the family.

Meaning of the name Sĩ

The name has various meanings in Vietnamese, including "scholar," "intellectual," or "virtuous person." It is a name that conveys respect and admiration for someone who is knowledgeable, wise, and morally upright. Those bearing the name may be seen as individuals who value education and strive for personal growth.

Usage and Popularity

In Vietnam, the name is not as common as some other traditional names but is still appreciated for its meaning and cultural significance. It is a name that can evoke a sense of honor and pride, reflecting the importance of learning and virtue in Vietnamese society.

Whether given to a boy or a girl, the name carries a sense of dignity and respect. Its roots in Vietnamese culture make it a meaningful choice for parents who value intellect, morality, and personal development.
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