Meaning and origin of the name Tadeáš

Also available in Czech,

Tadeáš is used in

Czechia Slovakia Unknown Region

Countries where Tadeáš has name day

Tadeáš is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Tadeáš's name day is October 30.
Tadeáš is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Tadeáš's name day is June 25.


Tadeáš is a Czech form of the name Thaddeus, which has Greek origins. The name Thaddeus is derived from the Aramaic name Thaddai, meaning "courageous heart" or "heart." It is a name that conveys strength and bravery.

In Czech culture, Tadeáš is a masculine name that is not very common but still holds a traditional and classic appeal. It is often associated with individuals who are determined, bold, and have a strong sense of integrity.

Nameday celebrations for Tadeáš may vary depending on local traditions and customs. If celebrated, it is typically observed in honor of Saint Thaddeus, who was one of the Twelve Apostles in Christian belief.

Overall, the name Tadeáš carries a sense of nobility and courage, making it a meaningful choice for parents looking for a name with a rich historical background and a touch of valor.
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