Meaning and origin of the name Taimi

Gender: Female

Taimi is used in

Estonia Finland

Countries where Taimi has name day

Taimi is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Taimi's name day is September 9.
Taimi is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Taimi's name day is September 8.


Taimi is a unique and charming name of Finnish origin. In Finnish, the name Taimi means "seedling" or "young plant," symbolizing growth and new beginnings.


The name Taimi is derived from the Finnish word "taimi," which is associated with nature and the vitality of life. It reflects the beauty of fresh starts and the promise of a bright future.


With its botanical connotations, Taimi embodies the essence of youth, renewal, and potential. It carries a sense of optimism and a deep connection to the natural world.


While there may not be a specific nameday associated with Taimi, its significance lies in its representation of hope and growth, making it a meaningful choice for those who appreciate the beauty of nature and the cycle of life.

Celebrate the spirit of new beginnings with the name Taimi, a name that exudes freshness and vitality.
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