Usage, description and more for Tatiana

Gender: Female    Origin: RU Russia
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese,

Tatiana is used in

BGBulgaria CHSwitzerland GRGreece AUAustralia CACanada PEPeru FRFrance ITItaly NONorway PLPoland BRBrazil RORomania SKSlovakia rsSerbia

Countries where Tatiana has name day

Tatiana has a name day in FRFrance and Tatiana's next name day is January 12 (next year).
Tatiana has a name day in PLPoland and Tatiana's next name day is January 25 (next year).
Tatiana has a name day in RORomania and Tatiana's next name day is January 12 (next year).
Tatiana has a name day in SKSlovakia and Tatiana's next name day is Februari 1 (next year).


Tatiana is a beautiful name of Russian origin. It is derived from the Latin name Tatianus, which means "belonging to the Sabines". The Sabines were an ancient tribe in Italy known for their bravery and independence.


The name Tatiana is often associated with qualities such as elegance, grace, and strength. People named Tatiana are believed to be charismatic and determined individuals.


Tatiana is a popular name in many Slavic countries and has gained international recognition as well. It has a timeless appeal that resonates with people from various cultures.

Famous Namesakes

Many notable figures bear the name Tatiana, including Tatiana Maslany, a Canadian actress known for her role in the TV series "Orphan Black". The name has also been used in literature, such as in Alexander Pushkin's famous work "Eugene Onegin".


Tatiana is a name with a rich history and a touch of elegance. Whether you choose it for its cultural significance or simply for its melodious sound, Tatiana is a name that is sure to leave a lasting impression.