Meaning and origin of the name Tatjana

Gender: Female

Tatjana is used in

Austria Germany Croatia Latvia Serbia

Countries where Tatjana has name day

Tatjana is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Tatjana's name day is January 12.
Tatjana is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Tatjana's name day is January 12.
Tatjana is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Tatjana's name day is January 12.
Tatjana is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Tatjana's name day is January 10.


Originating from Russia and Eastern Europe, the name Tatjana is a variant of the name Tatiana. It is derived from the Latin name Tatianus, which itself comes from the Roman family name Tatius. The name Tatjana is commonly associated with strength, wisdom, and independence.


In Slavic languages, Tatjana is often interpreted as "fairy queen" or "royalty," reflecting a sense of regal grace and elegance. The name carries connotations of authority and power, resonating with its origins in ancient Roman culture.


In some cultures, Tatjana celebrates her nameday on various dates throughout the year. This tradition is particularly prominent in Eastern European countries where individuals named Tatjana honor their name on special occasions.

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