Meaning and origin of the name Teofilakt‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Teofilakt‎ is used in


The Name Teofilakt

Origin: The name Teofilakt is of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek name Theophylaktos, which means "guarded by God" or "God's protection".


Teofilakt carries the meaning of divine protection and guidance. It symbolizes a sense of being watched over and cared for by a higher power.


The name Teofilakt is rare and unique, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name with a strong and meaningful origin.


Throughout history, individuals named Teofilakt have been known for their inner strength, resilience, and spiritual connection. They are often seen as leaders who inspire others through their faith and courage.

In conclusion, the name Teofilakt is a powerful and profound choice for those seeking a name with deep spiritual significance and a sense of divine protection.

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