Meaning and origin of the name Terezia

Gender: Female
Also available in Bulgarian,

Terezia is used in

Bulgaria Slovakia

Countries where Terezia has name day

Terezia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Terezia's name day is October 15.


Origin: The name Terézia is of Hungarian, Slovak, and Czech origin.

Meaning: Terézia is the Hungarian, Slovak, and Czech form of Theresa, which is derived from the Greek name Te?es?a (Theresia). The name is believed to have originated from the Greek word ?e??? (theros) meaning "summer" or "harvest."

In various cultures, Terézia is associated with warmth, abundance, and productivity. It symbolizes the flourishing season of summer and the bountiful harvest that follows.

Terézia is a name that exudes positivity and vitality, embodying the spirit of growth and fruition. Its roots in ancient Greek lend it a sense of timelessness and classical elegance.

If you know someone named Terézia, you can appreciate their vibrant and nurturing personality, always radiating a sense of warmth and abundance to those around them.
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