Meaning and origin of the name Terēza

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, Latvian,

Terēza is used in

Czechia Croatia Latvia

Countries where Terēza has name day

Terēza is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Terēza's name day is October 15.
Terēza is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Terēza's name day is September 5.
Terēza is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Terēza's name day is October 1.
Terēza is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Terēza's name day is October 15.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Tereza

The name Tereza has its origins in Greek and Portuguese languages. In Greek, it is derived from the name Τερεζα (Tereza), which is the variant of Θερεσια (Theresia), ultimately coming from the Greek word θερος (theros) meaning "summer". In Portuguese, Tereza is a variation of Teresa, which is believed to have been derived from the Greek name Θερεσια (Theresia) as well. The name has a rich history and is popular in various cultures around the world.

The name Tereza carries the beautiful meaning of "summer" or "harvester". It symbolizes warmth, vitality, and abundance. People named Tereza are often associated with qualities such as joy, creativity, and a nurturing personality. Those with this name are believed to bring brightness and positivity wherever they go.

If you know someone named Tereza, consider yourself lucky to have such a vibrant and caring individual in your life. Embrace the spirit of summer and the essence of abundance that Tereza embodies.
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