Meaning and origin of the name Théodore

Gender: Male
Also available in German, French, Norwegian Bokmål,

Théodore is used in

Algeria Denmark Germany Australia Canada United Kingdom United States France Norway Netherlands

Countries where Théodore has name day

Théodore is present in the name day calendar in France and Théodore's name day is November 9.


Origin: Théodore is a classic French name with Greek roots.

Meaning: The name Théodore is derived from the Greek name "Theodoros," which combines the elements "theos" meaning "God" and "dōron" meaning "gift." Therefore, Théodore translates to "God's gift" or "gift of God."

Théodore is a charming and timeless name that carries a beautiful and profound significance. It symbolizes the idea of being a divine blessing or a precious present from above. With its elegant sound and rich history, Théodore is a name that exudes grace and meaning, making it a wonderful choice for a baby boy.
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