Meaning and origin of the name Théophile

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

Théophile is used in

France Belgium

Countries where Théophile has name day

Théophile is present in the name day calendar in France and Théophile's name day is December 20.


Origin: The name Théophile has Greek origins, stemming from the elements "theos" meaning "God" and "philos" meaning "loving" or "friend".


The name Théophile carries the beautiful meaning of "lover of God" or "friend of God". It reflects a deep sense of devotion and love towards the divine.

In some cultures, Théophile is considered a name that symbolizes faith, spirituality, and a strong connection to one's religious beliefs.

It is worth noting that the name Théophile may be associated with individuals who are compassionate, kind-hearted, and guided by strong moral values.

In certain regions, Théophile may also be celebrated on specific namedays, honoring individuals who bear this significant name.

Overall, the name Théophile carries a profound significance tied to faith, love, and a harmonious relationship with the divine.

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