Meaning and origin of the name Thøger

Gender: Male
Also available in German, Norwegian Bokmål,

Thøger is used in

Denmark Germany Norway

Countries where Thøger has name day

Thøger is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Thøger's name day is October 30.


Origin: Thöger is a Scandinavian name that is believed to have Old Norse roots.

Meaning: The name Thöger is thought to mean "Thor's spear" or "Thor's protection." The name combines the elements "Thor," the Norse god of thunder, and "ger," which can refer to a spear or protection.

Thöger is a unique and meaningful name that carries with it the strength and protection associated with the powerful god Thor. It is a name that can inspire courage and resilience in its bearer.

In Scandinavian cultures, names with references to Norse mythology and gods are popular and hold significant meaning. Thöger may be used as a given name to honor the heritage and traditions of the region.

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