Meaning and origin of the name Tija

Gender: Female

Tija is used in


Countries where Tija has name day

Tija is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Tija's name day is June 14.


Tija is a unique and intriguing name of Latvian origin. In Latvian, the name Tija is derived from the word "tijs," which means "honor" or "glory." This beautiful name exudes a sense of dignity and respect.

Meaning of the Name

The name Tija carries a meaning of honor and glory, reflecting the qualities of a strong and respected individual. Those named Tija are often seen as dignified and honorable in their actions.

Usage and Popularity

The name Tija is not very common and is more frequently found in Latvian-speaking regions. It is a name that stands out for its elegance and meaningful origin.

Celebrity Connections

While there may not be many well-known figures with the name Tija, those who bear this name are sure to leave a lasting impression with their honorable and dignified presence.


The nameday for Tija may vary depending on cultural or regional traditions. However, individuals named Tija can celebrate their name's special meaning and significance throughout the year.

Embrace the uniqueness and beauty of the name Tija, a name that symbolizes honor and glory in its Latvian roots.
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