Meaning and origin of the name Todor‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Hungarian,

Todor‎ is used in

Bulgaria Hungary Serbia

Countries where Todor‎ has name day

Todor‎ is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Todor‎'s name day is Februari 7.


Tódor is a masculine given name of Hungarian origin. It is a variant of the name Theodore, which has Greek roots meaning "gift of God". The name Tódor is not only popular in Hungary but also in other countries influenced by Hungarian culture.

In Hungarian tradition, names like Tódor are often celebrated on namedays, which are special days dedicated to individuals with specific names. Namedays hold significance in Hungarian culture and are observed similarly to birthdays.

The name Tódor carries a sense of divine blessing and is associated with qualities such as strength, wisdom, and grace. It has a timeless appeal and a meaningful essence that resonates with many individuals.

If you are considering the name Tódor for your child, you are choosing a name rich in history and significance. Whether honoring your Hungarian heritage or simply drawn to the name's meaning, Tódor is a choice that carries a sense of tradition and spiritual connection.
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