Meaning and origin of the name Tolome

Gender: Male

Tolome is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Tolome

The name Tolome is of Greek origin and has a rich history. In Greek, the name is derived from the word "tolmao," which means "bold" or "courageous." This name signifies strength and bravery, embodying the characteristics of a fearless individual.

Popularity and Variations

While Tolome may not be a commonly used name in modern times, it carries a sense of uniqueness and individuality. Variations of the name may exist in different cultures or regions, but the essence of courage and boldness remains consistent.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history, individuals with the name Tolome have been known for their fearless nature and determination. Whether in ancient Greek mythology or contemporary society, those named Tolome often exhibit a strong sense of leadership and confidence.

Celebrate Your Name

If you or someone you know bears the name Tolome, take pride in its meaning and origins. Embrace the qualities of bravery and courage that come with the name, and let it inspire you to face challenges head-on with confidence.

Whether a traditional name in your family or a unique choice for your child, Tolome carries a powerful significance that can resonate with individuals who value strength and fearlessness.
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