Usage, description and more for Tomi

Gender: Male Female    Origin: Hungarian
Also available in Spanish, Finnish, Japanese,

Tomi is used in

GBUnited Kingdom NGNigeria USUnited States MXMexico FIFinland JPJapan ALAlbania

Countries where Tomi has name day

Tomi has a name day in FIFinland and Tomi's next name day is December 21.


Tomi is a unisex name of Japanese origin. In Japanese, the name Tomi (とみ) can mean "wealth" or "riches". It is a short and sweet name that carries a positive connotation.

In Finland and Hungary, Tomi is often used as a diminutive of the name Thomas or Tomás, which are derived from the Aramaic name תָּאוֹמָא (Ta'oma') meaning "twin". Tomi is a popular name in these countries and is often used as a standalone name as well.

Tomi is a name that exudes strength and prosperity. It is a versatile name that can suit people of various backgrounds and personalities. Whether you choose Tomi for its Japanese meaning of wealth or as a variation of Thomas, it is a name that carries a sense of character and charm.