Meaning and origin of the name Tomislav‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Tomislav‎ is used in

Bulgaria Switzerland Croatia Serbia

Countries where Tomislav‎ has name day

Tomislav‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Tomislav‎'s name day is January 28.
Tomislav‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Tomislav‎'s name day is July 3.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Tomislav

The name Tomislav is of Slavic origin, specifically Croatian. It is a combination of the elements "toma," meaning "twin," and "slava," meaning "glory" or "praise." Therefore, the name Tomislav can be interpreted as "glory of twins" or "praised twin." This name holds a strong and noble significance, reflecting qualities of honor, strength, and unity.

In Croatian history, Tomislav was the name of several influential rulers, most notably King Tomislav, who was the first king of Croatia in the 10th century. He played a significant role in the establishment and consolidation of the Croatian medieval state.

The name Tomislav carries a sense of leadership, bravery, and charisma. Those bearing this name are often perceived as confident individuals with a natural ability to inspire and lead others. With its deep historical roots and powerful meaning, Tomislav remains a popular choice for parents looking for a name that exudes strength and honor.
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