Meaning and origin of the name Toni‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Toni‎ is used in

Bulgaria Switzerland Finland Croatia Italy

Countries where Toni‎ has name day

Toni‎ is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Toni‎'s name day is January 17.
Toni‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Toni‎'s name day is June 13.


The name Toni is of Latin origin and is a diminutive form of the name Anthony or Antonia. It is a unisex name, commonly used for both males and females.


The name Toni is often associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and perseverance. It signifies someone who is praiseworthy and invaluable.


Toni has been a popular name in various cultures around the world. It has a timeless appeal and is favored by many for its simplicity and versatility.


The name Toni may have different namedays depending on the country or region, as it is derived from Anthony or Antonia, both of which have designated namedays in certain cultures.

In conclusion, Toni is a charming name with a rich history and significance. Its widespread usage and positive connotations make it a beloved choice for parents seeking a classic yet modern name for their child.
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