Meaning and origin of the name Turibio

Gender: Male

Turibio is used in

Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Turibio has name day

Turibio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Turibio's name day is Mars 23.


Origin: The name Turibio has Spanish and Latin roots.


The name Turibio is derived from the Latin name Turibius, which means "one who is like incense" or "one who is fragrant like incense." It carries a sense of purity, spirituality, and pleasantness.


The name Turibio is unique and rare, making it a distinctive choice for parents seeking an uncommon name with a rich historical background.

Considered a traditional and classic name, Turibio carries a sense of sophistication and elegance. Its uncommon nature adds an element of exclusivity and individuality to those who bear the name.
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