Meaning and origin of the name Tymon

Tymon is used in


Countries where Tymon has name day

Tymon is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Tymon's name day is April 19.


Tymon is a unique and charming name that holds its origins in ancient Greece. The name is derived from the Greek name "Timon," which means "honoring" or "to honor."

The name Tymon is not very common but carries a sense of strength and respect. It is often given to individuals who are known for their integrity, kindness, and loyalty.

In Greek mythology, Timon was a character known for his wisdom and honesty. The name has a rich history and has been used in various cultures over the centuries.

If you are considering the name Tymon for your child, you are choosing a name that symbolizes honor and virtue. Its unique sound and deep meaning make it a wonderful choice for a boy's name.
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