Usage, description and more for Urbano
Gender: Male
Also available in
Urbano is used in
Countries where Urbano has name day
Urbano has a name day in
Spain and Urbano's next name day is May 25.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Urbano
The name Urbano has Latin origins and is derived from the Latin word "Urbanus," meaning "city dweller" or "from the city."
Popularity and Usage
While not as common as some other names, Urbano is still used in various countries around the world. It carries a sense of urban sophistication and cosmopolitan flair.
Famous Bearers of the Name
Throughout history, there have been notable figures with the name Urbano, adding to its legacy and significance. Whether in the arts, politics, or other fields, individuals named Urbano have made their mark.
Celebrate the Name Urbano
If you know someone named Urbano, take a moment to appreciate the urban charm and modern allure associated with this distinctive name.
Feel free to explore more about the name Urbano and its cultural connections, as it continues to be a name of strength and sophistication.