Meaning and origin of the name Uršule

Also available in French, Lithuanian,

Uršule is used in

France Lithuania

Countries where Uršule has name day

Uršule is present in the name day calendar in France and Uršule's name day is October 21.
Uršule is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Uršule's name day is October 21.


Origin: The name Ursule has Latin roots, derived from the masculine name "Ursus," meaning "bear."


Ursule carries the symbolic representation of strength, courage, and protection, often associated with the bear animal. Those named Ursule are believed to exhibit qualities of resilience and determination.


The nameday for Ursule may vary in different cultures, but it is celebrated by those who appreciate its powerful and steadfast significance.

Fun Fact:

Individuals named Ursule are often admired for their bold and fierce nature, reflecting the characteristics of the bear that inspired the name.

Celebrate the unique essence of Ursule and embrace the strength it signifies in your life.
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