Meaning and origin of the name Vaclava

Also available in Czech, Lithuanian,

Vaclava is used in

Czechia Lithuania

Countries where Vaclava has name day

Vaclava is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Vaclava's name day is September 28.
Vaclava is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Vaclava's name day is Mars 4.


Václava is a Slavic feminine given name of Czech origin. The name is a variant of the masculine name Václav, which means "more glory" or "greater glory" in Czech. It is derived from the elements "václ" meaning "more" or "greater" and "slava" meaning "glory".

In Czech culture, Václava is often associated with Saint Václav (Saint Wenceslaus), the patron saint of the Czech Republic. His feast day is celebrated on September 28th. The name Václava may be used to honor this saint or simply as a traditional Czech name with a rich historical significance.

The name Václava carries a sense of strength and honor, reflecting the virtues often associated with Saint Václav. It is a unique and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with deep cultural roots and a touch of regal elegance.
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