Usage, description and more for Valentijn

Gender: Male     Origin: NL Netherlands
Also available in Dutch,

Valentijn is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Valentijn

The name Valentijn originates from the Latin word "Valentinus", which is derived from the name "Valens" meaning "strong, healthy". It is the Dutch variant of the name "Valentine".

Popularity and Significance

Valentijn is a unique and charming name that is not only popular in the Netherlands but also in other European countries. It is often associated with love and romance due to its connection with Valentine's Day.

Famous Namesakes

There have been several notable individuals with the name Valentijn, including Dutch mixed martial artist Valentijn Overeem and Belgian footballer Valentijn Labyad.

Celebrity Inspiration

The name Valentijn has also been used by celebrities for their children, adding to its appeal and modernity.

Overall Impression

With its rich history, romantic connotations, and contemporary feel, the name Valentijn is a wonderful choice for parents looking for a distinctive and meaningful name for their child.