Meaning and origin of the name Valentyn

Gender: Male
Also available in Czech,

Valentyn is used in

Czechia Ukraine

Countries where Valentyn has name day

Valentyn is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Valentyn's name day is Februari 14.


Origin: Valentýn is a name of Latin origin, derived from the word "Valens" which means strong, healthy, or worthy.

Meaning: The name Valentýn carries the meaning of strength and health. It symbolizes someone who is worthy and capable.

Nameday: Valentýn is celebrated as a nameday in some countries on February 14th, coinciding with Valentine's Day.

Valentýn is a unique and powerful name that exudes strength and resilience. Its Latin roots give it a timeless and classic appeal. Those named Valentýn are often seen as dependable and capable individuals, embodying the qualities of the name itself. Whether celebrated on its nameday or used as a year-round moniker, Valentýn is a name that carries a sense of honor and worthiness.
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