Usage, description and more for Valentýn

Gender: Male     Origin: CZ Czechia
Also available in Czech, Ukrainian,

Valentýn is used in

CZCzechia UAUkraine

Countries where Valentýn has name day

Valentýn has a name day in CZCzechia and Valentýn's next name day is Februari 14 (next year).


Origin: Valentýn is a name of Latin origin, derived from the word "Valens" which means strong, healthy, or worthy.

Meaning: The name Valentýn carries the meaning of strength and health. It symbolizes someone who is worthy and capable.

Nameday: Valentýn is celebrated as a nameday in some countries on February 14th, coinciding with Valentine's Day.

Valentýn is a unique and powerful name that exudes strength and resilience. Its Latin roots give it a timeless and classic appeal. Those named Valentýn are often seen as dependable and capable individuals, embodying the qualities of the name itself. Whether celebrated on its nameday or used as a year-round moniker, Valentýn is a name that carries a sense of honor and worthiness.