Meaning and origin of the name Valério

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Valério is used in

Switzerland Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Valério has name day

Valério is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Valério's name day is Februari 25.
Valério is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Valério's name day is January 29.


Origin: Valerio is a masculine name of Italian and Latin origin.


Valerio is derived from the Latin name Valerius, which means "strong, healthy" or "brave." It is a name associated with qualities of courage, resilience, and vitality.

Popularity: Valerio is a unique and classic name that is not very common, making it a distinctive choice for a baby boy.

Notable Namesakes: Notable figures with the name Valerio include Italian artist Valerio Adami and Italian footballer Valerio Verre.

Variants: Variants of the name Valerio include Valerius (Latin), Valère (French), and Valeriy (Russian).

Valerio is a name with a rich history and a strong, positive meaning that can inspire and empower its bearer throughout their life.
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