Meaning and origin of the name Vanya‎

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Bulgarian,

Vanya‎ is used in


Countries where Vanya‎ has name day

Vanya‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Vanya‎'s name day is January 7.


Vanya is a unisex name with Slavic origin. It is a diminutive form of the name Ivan, which means "God is gracious" in Hebrew. The name Vanya is popular in countries like Russia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine, where it is commonly used for both boys and girls. In Slavic cultures, the name is associated with qualities such as strength, kindness, and wisdom.

In some variations of the name, Vanya can also mean "gift of God" or "grace of God", highlighting the divine connotations of the name. It has a timeless appeal and a sense of spirituality that resonates with many parents seeking a meaningful name for their child. Whether chosen for a son or a daughter, Vanya carries a sense of blessing and favor, symbolizing the presence of God's grace in one's life.
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