Ý nghĩa và nguồn gốc của tên Nhẫn
Giới tính: Nam Nữ
Nguồn gốc: Vietnamese
Tên này được sử dụng trong (Tiếng Việt)
Origin of the name Nhân
The name Nhân is of Vietnamese origin. It is a common name used for both males and females in Vietnam.
Meaning of the name Nhân
The name Nhân carries the meaning of "human" or "person" in Vietnamese. It reflects qualities such as kindness, empathy, and humanity.
Popularity of the name Nhân
Nhân is a popular name in Vietnam, often chosen by parents who wish to instill values of compassion and understanding in their children. It is a name that embodies the essence of being human and connecting with others.
Celebrities and Famous Figures
While there may not be specific celebrities or famous figures with the name Nhân, many individuals who bear this name are known for their kind-hearted nature and willingness to help others.
Overall, the name Nhân is a meaningful and endearing choice for individuals who value empathy and the human experience.
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