Meaning and origin of the name Virpi

Virpi is used in


Countries where Virpi has name day

Virpi is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Virpi's name day is November 12.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Virpi

The name Virpi is of Finnish origin and is typically used for females. It is a unique and beautiful name that carries a special significance.


The name Virpi is derived from the Finnish word "virpiƤ," which means "to twinkle" or "to glitter." This name conveys a sense of brightness and light, symbolizing positivity and radiance.


In Finland, Virpi does not have a designated nameday, as nameday celebrations are not as common as in some other cultures. However, the name Virpi is still cherished and celebrated by those who bear it.


The name Virpi is not as widely used as some other names, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a unique name for their daughter. Its rarity adds to its charm and appeal.

Overall, the name Virpi is a lovely and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects brightness, positivity, and uniqueness.
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