Usage, description and more for Vitomir

Gender: Male     Origin: HR Croatia
Also available in Bulgarian, Polish, Ukrainian,

Vitomir is used in

BGBulgaria HRCroatia PLPoland SISlovenia rsSerbia UAUkraine

Countries where Vitomir has name day

Vitomir has a name day in HRCroatia and Vitomir's next name day is Februari 15 (next year).


Origin: Slavic


The name Vitomir is of Slavic origin and is composed of the elements "vito" meaning "lord" or "master" and "mir" meaning "peace" or "world." Therefore, Vitomir can be interpreted as "master of peace" or "ruler of the world," reflecting qualities of leadership and harmony.

In Slavic cultures, names often carry deep meanings and are chosen with care to reflect positive attributes or aspirations for the individual. Vitomir is a strong and noble name that conveys a sense of authority and tranquility.

If you are considering the name Vitomir for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich cultural heritage and a powerful significance that embodies the ideals of leadership and peace.