Usage, description and more for Vladimira
Gender: Female
Origin: Czech
Also available in
Vladimira is used in
Countries where Vladimira has name day
Vladimira has a name day in
Bulgaria and Vladimira's next name day is July 15.
Vladimira has a name day in
Czechia and Vladimira's next name day is May 23.
Vladimira has a name day in
Slovakia and Vladimira's next name day is October 16.
Vladimíra is a feminine name of Czech and Slovak origin. It is derived from the Slavic elements "vlad" meaning "rule" and "mír" meaning "peace". The name Vladimíra can be translated to mean "ruler of peace" or "one who brings peace through their leadership".
In Czech and Slovak cultures, Vladimíra is a name that carries a sense of strength, authority, and harmony. It is a name that reflects qualities of a leader who is able to maintain peace and order. Namedays for Vladimíra may be celebrated in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, although specific dates may vary.
If you know someone named Vladimíra, you can appreciate the significance of their name and the positive traits it represents.