Meaning and origin of the name Vladimír

Gender: Male
Also available in Czech, Greek, French,

Vladimír is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Switzerland Greece France Croatia Slovakia Serbia Ukraine

Countries where Vladimír has name day

Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Vladimír's name day is July 15.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Vladimír's name day is May 23.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Vladimír's name day is July 13.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in France and Vladimír's name day is July 15.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Vladimír's name day is May 31.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Vladimír's name day is December 6.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Vladimír's name day is December 19.
Vladimír is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Vladimír's name day is July 24.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Vladimír

The name Vladimír is of Slavic origin and is derived from the elements "vlad" meaning "rule" or "great" and "mir" meaning "peace" or "world". Therefore, the name Vladimír can be interpreted to mean "ruler of peace" or "great world".

Popularity and Usage

Vladimír is a popular name in Slavic countries such as Russia, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. It carries a sense of strength and power due to its components meaning "rule" and "great".

Famous Bearers

Notable individuals with the name Vladimír include Vladimír Dzurilla, a Slovak ice hockey player, and Vladimír Mečiar, a former Prime Minister of Slovakia. These individuals have brought prominence to the name in their respective fields.

Personality Traits

People named Vladimír are often described as strong-willed, confident, and peace-loving individuals. They possess leadership qualities and are inclined towards creating harmony in their surroundings.

Overall Impression

In conclusion, the name Vladimír carries a rich historical and cultural significance. Its combination of "rule" and "peace" reflects a sense of authority and tranquility, making it a name of distinction and power.
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