Usage, description and more for Vlado‎

Gender: Male     Origin: BG Bulgaria
Also available in Bulgarian, German,

Vlado‎ is used in

BGBulgaria DEGermany HRCroatia MKNorth Macedonia SISlovenia rsSerbia

Countries where Vlado‎ has name day

Vlado‎ has a name day in HRCroatia and Vlado‎'s next name day is July 15.

The name Vlado


The name Vlado is of Slavic origin, deriving from the Slavic element "vlad" meaning "rule" or "glory". It is a common name in countries with Slavic roots.


The name Vlado carries the significance of power, authority, and honor. Those named Vlado are often seen as natural leaders with a strong sense of direction and purpose.

In Slavic cultures, the name Vlado is associated with qualities such as strength, determination, and respect. People with this name are believed to have a commanding presence and the ability to influence others positively.

If you know someone named Vlado, you can appreciate their leadership qualities and their ability to inspire those around them.